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HomeVision and Mission


The BNA believes that all nurses should belong to their professional nursing association, with the overall aim of maintaining the betterment of the nursing profession as a whole. The association strives to actively liaise with other professional associations in matters pertaining to nurses and health care.


1. To provide continuing education opportunities for the membership in order to promote self-development and introduce new concepts and nursing techniques.

2. To participate effectively in discussions with professional organizations, health care institutions, the Ministry of Health, Bermuda College and other significant bodies. 3. To develop and maintain standards of nursing in collaboration with the Bermuda Nursing Council and other appropriate bodies.

4. To contribute to changes in policy and laws, which are likely to impact on nursing practice and keep the membership informed of such changes.

5. To assist and advocate for members who by reason of adversity or ill health are in need of assistance.

6. The Association shall accept and uphold the objectives of the International Council of Nurses.

7. To provide a structure responsible for the bargaining rights of all nurses should the membership desire.

8. To provide scholarships for nursing students and nurses.

9. To participate in the celebration of Nurses Week/Month in accordance with the ICN theme.
